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Jim Comey and the FBI

The word that Jim Comey will likely be nominated to be the next director of the FBI has kept me busy for the last 24 hours. I wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post this morning, arguing that Comey’s record on civil liberties might make him an excellent director for the next era of the Bureau: “It’s that strong moral compass that the president apparently wants to lead the nation’s chief domestic law enforcement agency. That Obama would seek out someone who has so jealously guarded civil liberties, even at great personal and career risk, speaks more loudly than his speech about the legacy he wants to leave in the fight against terrorism.”

On Washingtonian, I wrote a quick post about “What You Should Know About Jim Comey” and then a much longer adaptation of part of my book “Threat Matrix” that focused on Comey’s background, his role in the March 2004 hospital incident, and his friendship with Bob Mueller: “That dramatic week had united the two men—both career public servants—deepening a friendship forged in the crucible of the highest levels of the national security apparatus after the 9/11 attacks.”